Local SPCA

The sad state of the world today is demonstrated in just how many organizations are out there trying to improve the lot of living things in all corners of it. We are pretty sheltered from all the desperation that is common even in the streets below us. When we do think about helping out the less fortunate, more often than not it is a human focused operation that comes to our mind. But there are non-profit societies which seek to do good for the living who can't speak for themselves.

The SPCA, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is one of these organizations. They seek to rescue pets who have been abandoned them behind. They also advocate for animals who have been mistreated by their owners, and those living in the streets and alleys of big cities. All manner of animals fall under their protection.

While most of us have a lot of sympathy for animals, it can be hard to find a soft spot for those who have been mistreated. They don't look like the cuddly specimens of story books and movies; more often than not they are lean and mangy, with very sad dispositions. Depending on the animal, they can also have behavioural problems from being kept in stainless steel enclosures or other unsavoury locations for most of their lives.

Still, animals who have been neglected are living things, and the SPCA is an organization which is seeking to help as many as they can. But it costs a lot, in terms of both money and time. The wide variety of pets mean that the organization can spend as much in one week as it would cost to make the mortgage payment for one month. Medicine, shelter, and other expenses cause these expenses to soar. It's only through donations that the SPCA can afford to function.

A lot of people reading this won't have a lot of money to give, and if they do then it's likely that they will donate to a human based organization. If you do love animals and want to help, though, you can always volunteer some time. Everyone is welcome, from teenagers to senior citizens. And it's a very satisfying experience too.

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Monday, March 10, 2025