Local Charity

A lot of property owners are always talking about how they want to give back to the community in some capacity. Whether it's by rummaging through their cabinets for canned goods they can donate to local food banks or by donating money to charity. There are plenty of charities one can donate to, be it through giving time or money. However, talking about supporting a local charity and actually going out and supporting that particular charity are two very different things.

Some people like to talk a big game to impress people to show that they're in tune with the plights various organizations are trying to combat. Others talk and don't follow up on that talk about donating because they just don't know how to go about supporting a local charity. That's where we come in. We're here to try and help get you started on your way. Donating to and supporting a local charity is a noble cause that not only helps the people you are supporting but makes you feel good about yourself.

There are a lot of charitable organizations to choose from in your area. The thing is, not only do you have to choose who you are donating to but you need to make sure you're not getting scammed. The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of bad people in this world who try to get rich off the kindness of people. Which means there are organizations out there that aren't so reputable. You have to make sure that you are donating to an actual charitable organization and just not some dude who lives in the basement of his parent's house. Some of the top Canadian organizations to donate to include The Terry Fox Foundation, The Vancouver Friends For Life Society, Autism For Ontario, and The Canadian Red Cross. There are plenty of causes out there for you to donate to. It's not hard to donate from the comfort of your home.

The quickest and easiest way to find out if a local charity is legit is to research it online. There are plenty of watchdog sites out there who can let you instantly know whether or not the company you want to donate to is for real or not. You want to be as sure as possible about who you are donating to. Get the company's name, address and phone number and check it out before writing a cheque or clicking the submit button on some website. You will feel much more secure knowing you are donating to a reputable charity organization.

Be wary of phone solicitors trying to ask you for money. It's not hard to pretend to be working for an organization like The Canadian Cancer Society over the phone. You can't see them. For all you know the person on the other line can be calling from a pay phone. Same thing goes for people ringing the door bell of your house. They might seem legitimate with a clipboard and shirt with a company logo but you just never know. Most door to door campaigns by charities need to inform the local authorities beforehand so they know it's on the up and up. So, get in contact with the authorities to make sure those door to door campaigners are for real. These are just a few tips we can give you to make sure that you don't get hustled and are actually donating to a reputable organization. If you would like to read more information about our supporter, Littlecoast.ca You can follow that link to learn more about their event bartending services.

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Monday, March 10, 2025